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Ferrars Junior School

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Year 3 Blog

Welcome to Year 3. You will find a blog at the end of each term here letting you know what we have been up to.

Spring 2024


In Year 3 I made an adorable fluffy owl as part of my art lesson.  I was super excited!  I made a Loom.  I cut a piece of card, then I put some wool on it. Secondly, I weaved some wool in and out.  Once we finished a colour we got to choose a different one.  Finally, when I got to the end I stuck on some eyes and a beak.  Once I done that Miss White carefully took it off the Loom. A few weeks later, we did an evaluation sheet and we took some photos.  I really enjoy it! By Minsa




Today we celebrated World Book Day and did a lot of fun activities.  First in the morning at the start of the day I dressed up as Harry Potter. 

When I went to school I firstly did Maths and English because in the afternoon I went down to the hall and made some puppets and characters from an author called Julia Donaldson.  When I came back up, it was breaktime and I went out to play.  After that we made some more puppets about Julia Donaldson.  Mine was about a book called Tyrannosaurus Drip, which is my favourite book.  Then we had lunch.  In the afternoon we had two options to make a book or to make more puppets.  I chose to make more puppets because it was fun.  After that everyone showed their puppets and I showed my Tyrannosaurus Drip puppet.  Also my Harry Potter wand my mum bought.  Lastly we watched Julia Donaldson films, like Zog, Stickman and the Gruffalo. By Harris.



In Year 3 Spring Term, we got the chance to learn with Andy Peck.Firstly he told us to use a map to find flags with different letters like twg.Then we gathered in, so he could teach us how to find directions without a compass.After that, he showed us what position is north, south, east and west by the stars position.Next, we got a load of sticks so we could make the line of 8 stars.Finally we went to the little hut, put our shoes on and went to the classroom. By Ali


Autumn 2023


 Rocks & Soils

Andy Peck cam in to school for our outdoor day. We had a great time learning all about rocks and soils to add to the knowledge we already had from our lessons. 

We made these layered soil diagrams using different soil types placed on a metal tray. This helped us to complete a diagram on paper in our Science books later. 


We also looked at rocks and how the people who lived in the Stone Age would paint scenes of hunting on the inside of caves. This art can still be seen today in caves all over the world. 




 Stone Age For The Day

We had such a good time on our school trip to Celtic Harmony this term. We got to be Stone Age people for the day. 


In a wooded area sat mud and straw huts where we made fire and talked about the ways in which Stone Age people would have lived. After looking at the diferent tools that they made and used we got to hunt mammoths and trade our coins for a treat. 

One of our favourite parts was building a shelter from sticks and leaves. We even went inside to test it!



Goodbye to Mrs Robinson

The year group would like to say a sad goodbye to Mrs Robsinson who will be leaving us this term to start at a new school closer to her home. 

We have loved working with her in Year 3 and wish her all the best for the future. 








Summer 2023

Outdoor Day - Plants

 We had such a wonderful day learning all about plants for our Science with Andy Peck. We went outside to look at the different plants around our school, learning how plants grow and why certain flowers look the way they do. It was great fun collecting a rainbow of nature to keep in our work books too. 




 STEM Week

During STEM week we looked at different ways to investigate Science with Maths. We had a quiz, made structures to hold weight using only paper and held a competition to create a STEM sculpture. 

Out winner built a boat and a lighthouse which were both powered by solar. Wow!





 Egyptian Workshop

 In May we took a step back in time to visit the Egyptians. We were able to watch mummifictation taking place. The body was surrounded by important items that belonged to the person. We also played some Egyptian themed games.





Spring 2023

The Secret Garden

 We have had a very busy half term. To start off the new year we were visited by a theatre company called M&M Theatre. They performed a fantastic version of The Secret Garden. We loved the amazing set they built in our school hall and their singing and acting was great too. 



History Exhibition

 We have been working very hard this year to research, write about and create strcutures to represent the lives of those in the Stone, Bronze & Iron ages. We spent an afternoon showing off our work to parents in the school hall. We hope they enjoyed it!





World Book Day 

 World book day wa s afun filled day full of books and familiar characters. Each class had a book they had to look at for the whole day. We looked at the books in many different ways creating art, writing and even maths. The costumes were very impressive. Here were our winners!





Outdoor Learning

 We were lucky enough to have a day of outside learning with Andy Peck. He did lots of fun activities with us linked to Science and how we can make connections when talking about animals and their habitats. 

We have also been outside to do some orienteering around the school. It was a wet afternoon but we thoroughy enjoyed ourselves. 




Autumn 2022

Weaving Owls

  In our art lessons this term we have been using wool to weave. We used a cardboard loom to weave different colours of wool and then made wings and beaks to create an owl. It took us a while to get used weaving but we are very pleased with the outcome!




Book Fair

We were lucky enough to have a visit from The Travelling Book Fair where we could all go to the library after school and buy books for home. There was a wide variety of books- even some to buy our little brothers and sisters. The school also raised enough money to get more books for the library. 





Image Theatre

Image Musical Theatre came into school to perform 'The Sword In The Stone'. We loved the funny characters and the songs. The company taught us some of the words to the songs so that we couldn sing along and join in with the play. They also used some children to act out some parts which was very fun to watch.


St Hugh's

In RE we have been learning about Christianity and the places that people worship. To help us understand how Christian's come together, we walked up to St Hugh's church and were greeted by Reverend Martyn. We sat around the nativity scene whilst listening to the story of Christmas. Some people even won choclate bars for listening very carefully. 

You can visit the St Hugh's website here:

St Hugh's Church


 Reverend Martyn Shea



Christmas Performance

Year 3 worked hard all term to rehearse the acting and songs for the school Christmas play. It was lovely to have the school and our parents come to watch. The actors were brilliant and we were so proud of how well they learnt their lines. We had some soloists too who sang beautifully infront of everyone. 




Rock Kidz

What a fantastic day we had! We learnt all about ways to stop bullying by singing along and dancing to rock songs. The teachers had a dance off and Mr Bright won!