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Ferrars Junior School

01582 574933



At Ferrars Junior School we want children to write independently and confidently for a variety of audiences and purposes within different subjects. We believe pupils should be given the opportunity to not only increase their attainment, but also enjoyment and engagement in writing.

The school uses ‘Talk 4 Writing’ to explore imitation, innovation and independent application, and skills developed in writing lessons are also encouraged throughout all curriculum writing. The approach moves from dependence towards independence, with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop the ability in children to write creatively and powerfully.



Talk 4 Writing at Ferrars

Here are some examples of Talk 4 Writing at Ferrars:

 Text Mapping

 The Toolkit

 Boxing It UP



 Class Innovation

 Example of Pupil Writing

Example of Pupil Writing 


For detailed information about the stages of T4W, click on the button below:

Writing Intent, Implementation & Impact