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Ferrars Junior School

01582 574933


Well Being Award For Schools

Here at Ferrars, we value the mental health and well-being of all our pupils, staff, parents, carers and everyone in our school community. For the past year, Ferrars has been working towards achieving the Wellbeing award for Schools. We signed up to this award to further develop our work to promote positive wellbeing and mental health for the whole school community and gain accreditation for the work we have already done. It also ties in with our school values where we communicate well, show respect, are kind, caring and considerate and strive for excellence.

Achieving this award requires the involvement of all members of the school community: staff, parents, pupils, and partner organisations beyond the school gates. As we have gone through our journey, we have been listening to all parts of the school and beyond to understand the challenges they face and how we can best support them. 

 The Change Team

Change Team (ID 1258)


About the Wellbeing Award for Schools

The award focuses on ensuring effective practice and provision is in place that promotes the emotional wellbeing and mental health of for pupils, staff and parents. The award will enable us to develop these practices where necessary and help us to ensure that wellbeing is embedded in the long-term culture of our school. It will help us to create an environment where mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all.

When we have achieved the award, we will have demonstrated our commitment to:

–  Promoting mental health as part of everyday school life

–  Improving the emotional wellbeing of our staff, pupils, parents and carers

–  Ensuring mental health problems are identified early and appropriate support provided

–  Offering provision and interventions that matches the needs of our pupils and staff

–  Promoting the importance of mental health awareness

–  Capturing the views of parents, pupils and staff on mental health issues


Our Well Being Award Updates 2021-2022

Autumn Term

This term we completed our self-evaluation and found that we were amber in a few areas.

We have also identified a change team. The change team coordinate the process of achieving the award. A whole-school approach to emotional wellbeing and mental health is a collaborative one and the Change Team will drive engagement and provide ongoing communication to the whole school community. The shared wisdom of this group will be a key source of insight into the best ways forward.


Spring Term

This term we have shared questionnaires with pupils, parents and staff.

Analysis has shown:

  • Pupils – wanted more opportunities to talk and share their feelings. Some pupils felt that they did not have a trusted adult and some felt that there wasn’t a safe space to talk in school.
  • Parents – require more communication in general. They would also like more opportunities to come into school.  
  • Staff – require more opportunities for training.


Summer Term

This term we were visit by Angie Moore, a WAS Verifier/Adviser. The visit was to monitor our progress towards the award. The visit went very well and we were pleased with the outcome.  

As a result of this meeting, we annotated our action plan and completed a new plan to ensure the remaining objectives were covered. The Change team also expanded as a result of this meeting.

We have also sourced some free training and shared this with all staff.  

Our Well Being Award Updates 2022-2023

Autumn Term

The term we have been meeting regularly as a Change Team. These meetings have been valuable in taking views from each year group representatives.  

We held a whole school Launch event in September. This was launch our school vision and values. The event was also an opportunity to share information about the Wellbeing Award. We had over 200 parents attend this event.  

This term we have held two staff wellbeing sessions. Staff were invited for hot chocolate before the half term and a Christmas Party was organised for all staff.

Mrs McCullagh has been busy meeting with individuals and small groups providing pastoral care. She has also been liaising with CHUMs for further support in school.


Spring Term

This term we have been busy working with our new wellbeing champions and training has begun. We have been following the Shanarri principles and our children have been learning how to support their peers.