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Ferrars Junior School

01582 574933




A transition from one school to another can be a very anxious time for both parent carers and for their children.

Good transition planning benefits all children and young people. At Ferrars we strive to make the transition as seamless as possible for our pupils.

Year 2/3 Transition

Moving to the Junior School

We work closely with The Ferrars Academy to plan activities to support the children, parents and school staff.

  • ·Activity Afternoons – these are opportunities for the children to share activities with the current year 3 children and teachers.
  • Year 2 Parents Meeting – this is an opportunity to meet key staff and learn about life at the junior school.
  • Transition Meetings – these are opportunities for the year 2 staff to share important information with the year 3 staff.
  • Transition Morning – during this morning, the year 2 children come over and spend a morning with their new class teacher
  • Target Group support – this is a group for children who require some additional support and visits to the junior school.
  • Open Communication – during the transition period, year 2 parents are welcomed to contact the school SENDCO with any concerns or queries

Year 6/7 Transition

Moving to High School

We work closely with The Chalk Hills Academy, as our main feeder school and liaise with all other local secondary schools to support the children, parents and school staff.

  • Activity sessions – these are opportunities for the children to take part in activities in the secondary schools for example PE and Science lessons
  • Transition Meetings – these are opportunities for the year 6 staff to share important information with the staff from the secondary schools
  • Transition Day – most of the Luton secondary high schools have two transition days where the year 6 children go directly to their new school.
  • Target Group support – this is a group for children who require some additional support and visits.
  • Transition Passport – this is a piece of work that the children begin working on in year 6 and complete in year 7.