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Ferrars Junior School

01582 574933


Our Community

RHS Big Seed Sow -Monday 27th March

The RHS Big Seed Sow is a new community growing campaign designed to get schools, groups and individuals sowing and sharing seeds. Each class will be taking part, sewing their own seeds. 




Mother's Day Breakfast - Friday 17th March 


We had a lovely morning celebrating all of the mothers out there with a beautifully prepared breakfast. Thank you to the wellbeing and kitchen team.    



The Food Bank

We are proud to have been awarded the Harvest Challenge Heroes Award by Luton Foodbank. During Harvest our families donated a great amount of food to the foodbank collection. 

Luton foodbank aims to eradicate food poverty in Luton and to support people so that they can take steps to overcome the problems that brought them to the foodbank.

They provide free, nutritionally balanced, and culturally appropriate food to people in hardship or distress who are referred by a network of partner agencies and signposting information to local advice and information services.





To find out more, head to the Luton Foodbank page by clicking the button below. Harvest is over for this year but it is never too late to donate. 

Luton Foodbank