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Ferrars Junior School

01582 574933


Maths Implementation & Impact


At Ferrars Junior School, our aim is to develop a deep understanding of mathematics through providing engaging opportunities that allow children to become confident mathematicians.

We believe that every child has the right to achieve their maximum potential without a pre-conceived limit being put on their ability or attainment. This is taught through the mastery approach whereby children will acquire fluency and a solid understanding of the fundamentals of mathematics, whilst also being able to reason and solve problems confidently.

At Ferrars Junior School, we ensure that we deliver a high-quality maths curriculum that is both challenging and engaging for all children. The skills taught to the children progress year on year and teachers ensure that children have the regular opportunities to recall and practice.

We intend for our children to be able to make connections and apply mathematical knowledge across the wider curriculum. We also encourage our children to develop mathematical resilience and perseverance and want them to understand that maths is essential to everyday life.


The teaching of maths at Ferrars Junior School places emphasis on using the mastery approach:

  • Using White Rose and DfE Ready to Progress guidance to support teachers with the planning and delivery of quality maths lessons.
  • Curriculum coverage is broken down into small steps and include conceptual and procedural variation to ensure a deep understanding of key concepts.
  • Using our school calculation policy and National Curriculum objectives to ensure lessons are planned to incorporate the teaching of number sense, application of number skills and to include reasoning and problem solving opportunities.
  • An expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in maths.
  • All children are given the opportunity to access age appropriate lessons, regardless of their attainment.
  • Children with additional needs are included in whole class lessons with teachers providing scaffolding and relevant support as necessary.
  • Regular practice and consolidation is carefully considered and planned in to lessons.
  • Use of the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach to develop and consolidate understanding.
  • Additional opportunities are planned into the school timetable to develop fluency skills (TTRockstars, arithmetic lessons, maths passports, badge challenge)

Ongoing teacher assessment monitors children’s progress and attainment and at the end of each term, children take standardised maths assessments to validate and moderate teacher assessment judgements. Question analysis is used to inform pupil progress meetings, where children’s attainment and progress are discussed with SLT and strategies for intervention and ways to best support children’s learning are discussed.


A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the correct mathematical language to explain their ideas and can independently apply the concept to new problems.

At Ferrars Junior School, we believe that emphasising the high value of mathematics education to all staff, children, parents and carers is key to our children becoming successful mathematicians.


As they move through the school and by the time they leave our school at the end of year 6, our children become more confident and resilient learners and are able to articulate their answers and reasoning clearly. They can demonstrate rapid recall of facts and procedures including recollection of times tables.

Maths lessons use a range of resources to support understanding for all children. Any child who rapidly grasps skills and concepts well in the main lesson is challenged by being given activities which require a greater depth of understanding. Lessons feature discussion points between the teacher and the pupils as well as pupil to pupil with planned opportunities for children to practice skills on whiteboards and discuss their methods.


Teacher assessment and learning is reviewed frequently by teachers and adapted as necessary. Pupil progress meetings identify where further support and intervention may be required.