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Ferrars Junior School

01582 574933


 Parentmail - Our school/parent communication system

Attention all parents! Communicating with you is an important part of what we do, making sure you get the correct information about activities, events and school news that really matters is something we care about.

As you know, the school uses ParentMail, a service used by over 6,000 schools, nurseries and children's clubs to communicate to parents.

Don't forget the ParentMail App!

We'd like to encourage all parents to download the APP as there are a number of benefits both to you and the school:

  • You don't need to login to pick up messages or attachments when you use the App.
  • The App stores all the messages we send you in one place.
  • Every message sent arrives as an instant alert on your mobile.
  • You help save us money!

Parentmail Booklet
Parentmail FAQs

Information about online payments

We're using +Pay on ParentMail - an online payment service which allows you to pay for school items on your smartphone, tablets or computer, or on the free parent App.

We will inform you about items you need to pay through ParentMail, and you will be able to pay electronically, with money transferred directly into the school bank account - it's all very easy, safe and secure.  ParentMail doesn't store credit or debit card details and works in the same way as other large retailers who accept online payments. Please see the link below for more information.

Parentmail Online Payments

Smartphone and Computer Settings

Please see the link below for more information.

Parentmail Smartphone & ComputersParents Evening Manager

Please see the link below for more information.

Parentmail Parents' Evening Booking


The Local Authority decides our admissions. Please conact them on 01582 548016 

Lost Property

Neither the school nor the Borough Council can accept responsibility for the loss of an article brought to school.  Whilst we will take every reasonable precaution, it is strongly recommended that parents should not normally allow children to bring items of personal value to school unnecessarily.   In the event of an article being lost, the child should first make a thorough search.  After this, enquiries should be made with the class teacher or the school office.

Mobile Phones

Children are not allowed to bring mobile phones into school.  If they do so, they will be confiscated and kept securely in the child's classroom. We only allow phones in school where permission has been given by the headteacher; these will be kept in the office.

Severe Weather

In the event of severe weather you will be informed by ParentMail and text. These are no longer being broadcast on radio, but will be on Luton Borough Council website (see link below).  Plus look out for an emergency message on the home page of this website.  However, it is our policy to remain open if at all possible during severe weather.

Click on the link below and once there follow the links to snow updates.

Useful Forms

Change of Contact Details FormIndemnity FormFJS Leave of absence incl Policy - June 2019