Test will be on week begining 11.12.24
chrysalis |
architect |
orchestra |
alchemy |
water chute |
pistachio |
brochure |
parachute |
moustache |
mechanic |
chalet |
chemistry |
Year 6 Home Learning
Week Beginning: 02.12.24
All children are expected to read at least 3 times a week at home to an adult. This must be recorded in their planner.
Spellings Test days:
Spelling test is on a Wednesday.
Spelling test is on a Wednesday.
Spelling test in on a Wednesday.
Maths homework focuses on arithmetic and reasoning questions.
English homework focuses on reading comprehension and SPaG questions.
All homework is due in on a Monday.
PE days
Magnolia - Monday and Thursday
Sycamore - Tuesday and Wednesday
Willow - Monday and Thursday