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Ferrars Junior School

01582 574933



There are two forms of assessment that our children are actively involved in namely assessment for learning and assessment of learning.

Assessment for Learning

This is carried out on a daily basis and enables children and their teacher to know where they are in their learning and more importantly what they need to do to make the next steps. These assessments for reading, writing, grammar, punctuation, spelling and mathematics are recorded using our online tracking system, DCPro. This enables us to measure and track progress and attainment as the children move from year to year. The system also allows us to identify groups of children and individuals who need extra support to ensure that they reach their full potential. This tracking system is shared with parents electronically at the end of each term so that they are fully aware of the attainment and progress that their children have made. Parents unable to access the reports electronically can request a hard copy from the school office. 

Assessment of Learning 

This is a summative process and often takes the form of internal tests. At Ferrars we also administer national test style (NTS) standardised assessments in reading and mathematics. NTS assessments are administered when children enter the school and then at the end of each term allowing us to moderate and validate our own teacher assessments. All the information we gather from our assessments is used to measure progress and attainment allowing teachers to carefully plan for the children in their care to ensure that they achieve their maximum potential.

Key Stage 2 SATs

What are they?

These assessments take place in the May of year 6 (age 11) and are more formal tests in English (grammar, punctuation, spelling and reading) and maths. Each paper is 45 minutes long.

How are they marked?

Scores are given on a scale of 80 to 120 - with a score of 100 or more meaning a pupil is meeting the expected governmental standard (but this equates to different marks for each paper). The Sats are sent away to be marked externally.

SATs – do parents get the results?

For key stage 2, parents get their child’s scaled score in July and are told whether or not they reached the expected level. The results of Key stage 2 Sats are also published annually in the Department of Education’s primary school league tables, where an online facility enables users to compare schools against other schools, as well as against the national average.

Can you fail your SATs?

The government says SATs are not about passing or failing, but instead show the level your child is working to.


The school send out progress reports at the end of the Autumn and Spring term. A full report is then given to parents at the end of the year. 

Parents will receive their log in details to view all reports via Parentmail.