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Ferrars Junior School

01582 574933


Art & DT Intent, Implementation & Impact



At Ferrars, we believe children should be given the opportunity to become creative and reflective learners who are able to express themselves in a variety of ways. Art provides pupils with a visual and sensory response to the world around them, enabling them to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form and pattern.


We will achieve this by:

  • Teaching art regularly.
  • Covering each area of art over the year, progressing through from Y3-6 as seen in our progression map.
  • Teaching a predominantly skills-based curriculum, which covers drawing, painting, sculpture, textiles and printing
  • Re-teaching skills throughout the children’s time in school.
  • Ensuring that each child develops their skills and techniques in a way appropriate to them, through clear differentiation and support, active and purposeful experiences, and using a variety of art materials and teaching strategies.
  • Cultivating an enjoyment and appreciation of the visual arts and a knowledge of artists, craftspeople and designers
  • Using a sketchbook approach, so that children feel safe to experiment and take risks, without the fear of doing something “wrong”.
  • Encouraging each child to evaluate their art and design work and that of others
  • Celebrating effort, progress and achievement in art through displays and exhibitions


When children leave Ferrars they will have improved and gained new artistic skills. They should be able to speak about artists and their work and have the ability to evaluate their own and others creations. Moreover, we hope they will have found a love for expressing themselves via artwork.  This will be evident through sketchbook monitoring and pupil discussion.